Wednesday 1 August 2012

4PM, July the 12th, The Future


Dear diary,
I went to the animal park today and I saw lots of animals. I saw a tiger and a sheep and a dinosaur and an elephant and a hippobotomus. Daddy showed me the cows and they were big and silly and smelly. Daddy said that a long time ago the cows made milk and the human beings drank their milk!!!! I said I would never drink that milk. I will only drink milk from biofarms. Smelly cows. Then we went to the cinema and daddy got us ice cream and I got to see a 4D film! Daddy told them I was old enough even though I am not, but I am not to tell mummy! I got a pill to swallow just like the one I get at school and then the lights went off and then the film started and I got cold when there was on the ice and warm when things went BANG ! and happy when the goody and his friend kiss (yuck!) and then I was sick all over my new dress and daddy took me home.

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